Harty gave us the chance to build an indoor tropical paradise, creating the atmosphere of a vacation in the comfort of our client’s own home.

harty-logoThe perfect location for a romantic interlude, the pool included a gentle beach entry and a secluded seating area, offering somewhere special to escape the stresses and strains of daily life. With clear shallow waters, curved palm trees and jagged rocks, this oasis of calm could just as easily be found on a desert island.  The perfect finishing touches were a 14-foot waterfall, a fiber-optic lighting system and a panoramic mural of a beautiful sunset.


Named after the Irish composer Hamilton Harty, who was born in 1879, this project took his love of romance and poetry and turned it into the ideal space to relax and unwind. This sense of finding rejuvenation in tropical climes echoes Harty’s own life as he headed to Jamaica to convalesce when his health was failing him in his later years.

To find out how we can transform your space with a truly magnificent water feature, get in touch with us today.

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